Resources for Loved Ones
Concurrent Substance Use and Mental Illness - An Information Guide
Guidelines for Families for Substance Abuse Prevention Among Youth
Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change
Based on Community Reinforcement Approach & Family Training (CRAFT) from the Center for Motivation and Change, offers a science-based guide to helping loved ones overcome addiction problems and compulsive behaviours.
SMART Family & Friends Handbook
Designed for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a loved one.
The Handbook includes SMART Recovery’s tools for coping in a healthy way with the many emotionally challenging situations frequently encountered in relationships where addiction is a factor.
Video Resources:
CD Family Series - Information Group:
The Concurrent Disorders Program hosts a monthly support group (excluding December) for family and friends of those experiencing mental illness and addiction problems, concurrently.
YA-SUP Loved Ones Education Group
The Young Adult Substance Use Program hosts a monthly support group for the loved ones of young adults experiencing substance use concerns.
Family and Friends Addiction Support Groups:
Al-Anon and Al-Ateen are support programs for family and friends of individuals experiencing alcohol use disorders (AUD). Visit their websites for more information:
Al-Anon: http://al-anon.org/
Al-Ateen (for teenagers): http://al-anon.org/for-alateen
Nar-Anon and Nar-Ateen are support programs for family and friends of individuals experiencing substance use disorders (SUD). Visit their websites for more information:
Nar-Anon: http://www.naranonontario.com/
Nar-Ateen (for teenagers): http://www.nar-anon.org/narateen/
Pamphlets on Nar-Anon and Nar-Ateen:
Mission Services hosts a weekly support group for "Partners In Recovery." See the information flyer below, or download and share it by clicking here.

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