Young Adult Substance Use Program (YA-SUP)
The Young Adult Stream revolves around a 12-week structure, and includes:
Seven individual sessions including:
Intake assessment (2 hours)
​1 week feedback session (1 hour)
Check-ins (1 hour) at weeks 2-, 3-, 4-, 8-, and -12 weeks​​
Consultations time-limited with a Nurse Practitioner may be offered to help clarify diagnoses, recommend medications, and conduct additional testing. YA-SUP is not intended for those only requiring access to consults.
Group Programming including:
Planning for the weekend art group: focus on relapse prevention and planning for substance free alternatives
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills focus on the mind-drug connect and relapse prevention
Emotion Regulation Skills based on Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
New Drop-in Groups begin on November 11th
Young adults can continue accessing groups even after individual sessions are completed.
905-522-1155 ext. 36499
“You define your goals. We are here to meet you where you are at and support you in reaching your goals.”
A program designed to meet the unique needs of young adults (17-25 years of age)
(905) 522-1155, Ext.36499
The program offers both individual counselling sessions, daily drop-in group programming, and consultations with specialists to optimize patient outcomes
Our mission is to provide young adults with the support and skills to:
Reduce the negative impacts of substance use on young adults' lives. This can be abstinence, reduced use, or using harm reduction strategies.
Improve mental health and wellbeing by considering the whole-person.
Increase substance-free activities to create a pleasurable life that aligns with their goals.
We value:
Providing young adult centered care
Creating a safe(r) space
Considering the whole person
Collaboration with young adults and community providers
Using evidence-based practices and contributing to evidence
New Drop-in Groups
The following drop-in groups are
open to ALL YASUP clients - current and past AND anyone ages 17-25
looking to work on substance use goals. This group offers you a safe space to continue to work on skills around recovery and mental wellness goals!
Mind-Drug-Body Connection
Group focused on Cognitive (CBT) and Dialectical (DBT) Behavioural Therapy skills exploring thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and somatic/physical symptoms related to substance use.
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Register at reception by
3:30 PM @ West 5th Campus
Community Psychiatry Clinic
Level 0
Pot-tent Wellness
Learn about Cannabis and the brain as well as things you can do to improve health, sleep, and wellness.
6:00 - 7:00 pm
sign-on and agree to code of conduct in chat by 6:05 PM
or dial in at +1 438 809 7799, Meeting ID: 639 6848 6331, Password: 115267
Mindfulness & Substance Use
Join us to build a lifestyle that increases your present moment awareness and supports your mindfulness practice and recovery.​
10:30 - 11:30 am
sign-on and agree to code of conduct in chat by 10:35 AM
or dial in at +1 438 809 7799, Meeting ID: 667 9187 1982, Password: 442204
COAST 24-HOUR CRISIS LINE (905-972-8338)